Financials & Health
There are four major banks within Australia, with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia being the largest. You will be required to open up a banking account to store money & receive money from working in Australia.
Tax File Number
A Tax File Number is required if you intend to gain income from employment, or earn money from investments or receive government payments in Australia. You should apply for a Tax File Number from the Australian Taxation Office as quickly as possible after arrival.
Medicare Australia is our national public health scheme. There is no charge to join Medicare, which helps you to pay for essential medical services and public hospital care. Only people who hold a permanent visa are eligible for medicare.
Landing in Australia
Airport pickup
Top Migration Australia provides end-to-end travelling guidance, optional airport pick up facility from the airport to the respective university or accommodations services location.Initial temporary accommodation
Top Migration Australia offers a wide range of accommodation, providing you with high quality, affordable accommodation that gives you a rich and balanced living and learning environment. We’ll provide everything you need to give you the ideal place to relax with your peers after a hard day of work! We also arrange the home-stay, Guardianship services for stunts under the age of 18, in advance on campus or off campus.